What I Use for Password Management

Lets face it remembering passwords for dozens of sites is a pain which is why some people re-use their password or change it very slightly to avoid the hassle. If you’re one of those who would rather generate random complex passwords for each site, the question on how those are stored will arise. Storing passwords in plaintext text file on your desktop is a big no no. Password Managers are great, when they’re implemented correctly....

25 September, 2017 · 3 min · Naz Markuta

Alfa AWUS052NH Wireless USB Review

The Alfa AWUS052NH is a high-performance Dual-Band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) wireless USB adapter. It’s based on the MediaTek RT3572 chipset that supports IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n standards with up to 300Mbps transfer speeds, it’s Alfa’s third device in their 802.11abgn USB product range and has been available since March 2015 which costs around £47 or $60 depending on where you buy it. This review is geared towards a person with an interest in wireless network security or penetration testing who are contemplating on a purchase, as well as any tech enthusiast....

16 August, 2017 · 9 min · Naz Markuta

How to Force HTTPS on Web Servers

I’ve seen plenty of websites that use https but don’t force it by default, this isn’t considered a good security practice and should be resolved promptly. Below lists five of the most popular web servers (Nginx, Apache, IIS, OpenLitespeed and Lighttpd) configurations to force HTTPS by default. All tests were carried out on a local Debian Stretch server with the exception of IIS. All http:// requests will be (301) Moved Permanently to https:// with respected request path....

6 July, 2017 · 2 min · Naz Markuta

Being Evil against Encoded PHP Files

Lets say a server has been exploited and an attacker wants to intercept data coming from a web application in order to gain sensitive information such as plaintext server passwords. Lets also say that application is WHMCS. One of the requirements is IonCube Loader which protects PHP source code from easy observation, theft and change by compiling into bytecode. Sample of WHMCS with IonCube encoded source code When an encoded Ioncube file is changed in any way a 500 internal server error occurs....

28 June, 2017 · 2 min · Naz Markuta

Bad UEFI implementation Workaround

I decided to install the latest stable branch of Debian Stretch on a budget laptop (Toshiba Satellite C50-B-14D) bought in 2015. Its minimal specs was perfect for Linux. Installation image used was debian-9.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso. Once the installation process finished and I restarted my system, it would not recognise grub or any boot partition. Solution Rename folder and filename /EFI/debian/grubx64.efi to /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi Read more: https://wiki.debian.org/UEFI#Booting_a_UEFI_machine_normally With a different filename the UEFI implementation recognised and booted successfully....

18 June, 2017 · 1 min · Naz Markuta