KeyGrabber Nano USB Keylogger Review

Whilst studying at University I became interested in hardware keyloggers, and so decided to purchase one for a research paper. This device is specifically for wired USB keyboards (non Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) which records every single key stroke typed, without the need for drivers or worrying about any security product. I thought why not write a review and share some interesting findings. I DO NOT condone or encourage the use of any such devices for ILLEGAL purposes....

1 November, 2017 · 7 min · Naz Markuta

Kali Linux Kernel 4.12 Wireless Problems

UPDATE: Kali Team have migrated to a new Kernel Version I’ve tested the new kernel 4.12.13-1kali2 and can confirm it fixes issues with my wireless card. I’d advise people to update their packages and use this kernel. I’ll keep this page as it’s still a useful guide on how to downgrade for falling back on an other kernel. More info available: As you may of heard the recent 4.12.6-1kali1 kernel version broke functionality on most wireless devices, resulting in serious performance and range issues making devices almost unusable....

27 September, 2017 · 2 min · Naz Markuta

A Few Handy Bash Shell Aliases

Reload bash_profile Apply any changes made to ~/.bash_profile with reload: alias reload='source ~/.bash_profile' Network Connections List all network connections with nets: alias nets='lsof -i' Internet Speed test Speed test using a 100Mbyte file from OVH Hosting: alias speedtest='curl -o /dev/null' WAN IP Address Show WAN IP address with myip: alias myip='curl' Web Server Banner A curl function to grab web server banner information with headers followed by a URL:...

25 September, 2017 · 2 min · Naz Markuta

What I Use for Password Management

Lets face it remembering passwords for dozens of sites is a pain which is why some people re-use their password or change it very slightly to avoid the hassle. If you’re one of those who would rather generate random complex passwords for each site, the question on how those are stored will arise. Storing passwords in plaintext text file on your desktop is a big no no. Password Managers are great, when they’re implemented correctly....

25 September, 2017 · 3 min · Naz Markuta

Alfa AWUS052NH Wireless USB Review

The Alfa AWUS052NH is a high-performance Dual-Band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) wireless USB adapter. It’s based on the MediaTek RT3572 chipset that supports IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n standards with up to 300Mbps transfer speeds, it’s Alfa’s third device in their 802.11abgn USB product range and has been available since March 2015 which costs around £47 or $60 depending on where you buy it. This review is geared towards a person with an interest in wireless network security or penetration testing who are contemplating on a purchase, as well as any tech enthusiast....

16 August, 2017 · 9 min · Naz Markuta